Course Outline

Dr. Henry Svec:

I am not your typical professor. Oh, I did that for a while at the University of Western Ontario’s Faculty of Education -teaching teachers. I did that for five years, then left to work full time in my private practice offices. I also taught special education for five years before going back to Michigan State University to train to become a psychologist. In 23 years of operation, The Dr. Svec Institute and Rehabilitation Clinics have helped approximately 10,000 clients, many who asked for help with assessment and treatment for ADHD.

There are two parts to our current teacher training offerings: Level 1 Certification consists of lectures and presentations held during the course of several weeks, during which you will acquire information and skills you need, including readings and research you likely didn’t receive in teacher’s college. It’s also very unlikely that you will have received this in your professional development training if you are currently employed. The goal of being certified with Level 1 is that you will better understand the ADHD condition and be able to utilize effective strategies in your classroom. The cost for this certification is $150, and updating your Level 1 certification is an annual fee of $50.


Level 2 Certification is an application of your knowledge to specific case examples. In this program you will use four case examples of students that you are working with during the year, with specific application of the skills taught in Level 1 and the criteria and structure provided by Dr. Svec. You will meet with Dr. Svec virtually via Skype or Zoom for a 30-minute oral examination as well as complete a written essay examination evaluated by Dr. Svec. Expect six to eight months to complete this training. The cost for this level of certification is $500.

Course Outline and Resources Needed:

Week 1: Understand the strategies and techniques needed to work with children aged 4-5 and to "do no harm"

  • The ADHD Fix            

Week 2: Understand other conditions that may make a child appear to be ADHD when in fact they are not 

  • The ADHD Fix    

Week 3: How are children diagnosed with ADHD-the Teacher's role       

  • Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and their Teachers: A review of the literature

Week 4: The different types of ADHD and how this impacts classroom behaviour and performance         

  • Attention-deficit disorder (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder without hyperactivity): A neurobiologically and behaviorally distinct disorder from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (with hyperactivity) 

Week 5: Understanding Complex ADHD. Children with ADHD and a Gifted Profile. ADHD and a learning disability              

  • Gifted Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • ADHD and Learning Disability 

Week 6: The 30 minute /week enrichment exercise       

Week 7: The Self-Task-Focus Matching exercise

  • The ADHD Fix               

Week 8: The Box Strategy           

Week 9: Building self-esteem    

  • The ADHD Fix

Week 10: When their right is wrong. Working with oppositional students             

Week 11: Building effective social skills 

  • The ADHD Fix

Week 12: Working with parents        


Course Outline and Resources Needed


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