People with ADHD are not broken, faulty, or lazy. They may be facing obstacles and challenges, but they have everything they need to be successful inside of them. With the assistance of a coach, people with ADHD can apply their efforts in focused and strategic ways to achieve the goals they set for themselves. ADHD Coaching focuses on the whole person and the whole life, it may include but also go beyond academics to include other life areas relevant to the client.
ADHD Coaching without a diagnosis? Absolutely! – A specific diagnosis of ADHD is not necessary to initiate coaching.
Process and Fees
30 min Consultation (Free)
Coaching Program Begins ($225.00)
The ADHD Coaching program is tailored to the individuals needs. Client check-ins or daily tasks can be monitored through the proprietary program Goaltracker. Emails communicating questions, concerns, or sharing a win may be made during each week.
Note: All Coaching programs are flexible and can be designed to match your specific needs.