The ADHD Academy Coaching

ADHD Coaching
Academic Coaching

Listen to Joshua Svec on the radio discussing ADHD Coaching

How Coaching Can Benefit You

To achieve our goals in life we need to refrain from thinking about the final accomplishments and focus on what is needed tomorrow at 7am to get us there. It takes planning, structure, and discipline to maintain the focus and to stay on track. A coach can help you get on track to achieving your goals, and help you maintain the focus needed to overcome the many obstacles that will arise. Proximity is not an issue! The services are provided from your location via Skype or toll free telephone.

Having a coach gives you someone to provide feedback, give direction, hold you accountable, and to encourage your success. The focus is on YOU and how you will personally achieve your goals. Take a look at where you are right now and then consider where you want to be. Your coach will help you get there. By going through this process, you will come away with a real, workable plan — customized to your strengths and passions.

Our goal is to achieve a specific result that makes a positive difference in your life. Request your free consultation today!

The ADHD Academy Coaching e-Newsletter

Posted: July 25, 2012

By: Joshua Svec B.A., M.A.


This month I would like to share a new service we are providing.

X-Men Football teams up with Ucoach

The X-Men Football team is proud to announce it's new partnersip with Ucoach, Canada's premiere Academic Coaching service.  Ucoach provides student-athletes with important tools that will help ensure their success in the classroom.  This includes instructional videos, help with time management and organizational skills, goal setting, and daily task planning with monitoring and accountability to their own personal coach.  To read more about Ucoach visit their website at:

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